Which of the following is not true about Graphic Design: The Facts About Graphic Design

Nov 16, 2023

Have you ever wondered if graphic designers make things look pretty? Or if creating logos is all they do? What about whether their job is actually difficult or not?

Graphic design surrounds us in our everyday lives – in the logos we see, the ads we come across, the apps we use, and the videos we watch. However, there are many myths and misconceptions about what graphic designers actually do.

In this article, we will get to the bottom of the facts about graphic design. We’ll explore what graphic design encompasses, bust some common myths that many people believe, and shed light on what this craft truly requires.

What is Graphic Design?

Before diving into the common myths, let’s first define what graphic design is.
Graphic design is the art and practice of combining text, images, and visual elements to communicate messages and ideas.

Graphic designers work in both digital and print mediums to create designs that enhance the user experience and help organizations achieve their branding, marketing, and communication goals. Graphic design requires creativity, technical skills, and an understanding of visual communication principles.

Myths About Graphic Design

Now, let’s explore some common myths about graphic design and shed light on the truth behind each one, so you can find out which of the following is not true about graphic design.

Myth: Graphic Design is All About Creating Logos

One of the biggest misconceptions is that graphic design is solely about logo creation. While logos are an important aspect of brand identity, graphic design encompasses so much more.

The truth:

Graphic designers work on a wide variety of projects, including:

  • Branding and identity design
  • Packaging
  • Publication and editorial design
  • Marketing collateral (brochures, flyers, banners, etc.)
  • Signage
  • Website design
  • Mobile UI/UX design
  • Motion graphics and animations
  • Environmental and exhibition graphics
  • Product graphics
  • Data visualization
    And more!

Myth: Graphic Design is a Simple, Easy Skill

Another assumption is that graphic design must be easy since it mainly involves working on a computer. However, this perception grossly underestimates the complexity of the craft.

The truth:

Graphic design requires an intricate blend of creative and technical skills. Designers need artistic abilities as well as knowledge of design software, typography, color theory, layout principles, user psychology, and more

Here are some of the key skills graphic designers need:

  • Creativity and visualization concepts
  • Drawing and illustration
  • Knowledge of design software like Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Typography and working with fonts
    Color theory
  • Composition and layout techniques
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Ability to interpret client briefs and requirements
  • Research and analytical skills
  • Time management and project execution

Myth: Graphic Design Requires Expensive Tools and Software

The misconception here is that you need costly tools and software to succeed as a graphic designer. This isn’t true for all types of graphic design.

The truth:

While some fields like 3D modeling and animation may require advanced software, you can start graphic design with surprisingly affordable tools:

  • Paper and pens for sketching concepts
  • Affordable design software like Canva or GIMP
  • Student versions of advanced tools like Adobe CC
  • Free image libraries and font resources
  • A computer and drawing tablet

Facts About Graphic Design

Graphic design has a rich history and evolution over the centuries. There are some intriguing details and fun facts about graphic design that many may not be aware of. Here are some facts about graphic design

  • The term “graphic design” was coined by William Addison Dwiggins in 1922. Prior to this, the profession was called “commercial art.”
  • The influential Bauhaus school of design taught principles of form and function that shaped graphic design in the early 20th century. Famous artists like Herbert Bayer and László Moholy-Nagy were associated with the movement.
  • Swiss-style graphic design originated in Switzerland in the 1950s and is characterized by sans-serif typography, asymmetric layouts, and grid-based structure. It remains influential today.
  • Graphic design played a pivotal role in World War II propaganda. Iconic works like the “We Can Do It” poster promoted nationalism and supported the war effort.
  • Digital design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, launched in the late 1980s and early 1990s, transformed graphic design by enabling faster workflows and more experimentation.

Fun Facts About Graphic Designers

There are some interesting facts about graphic designers

  • The Nike “swoosh” logo was designed by graphic design student Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for just $35.
  • The most hated fonts among designers are Comic Sans, Papyrus, Brush Script, and Curlz, according to polls.
  • Famous graphic designers like Milton Glaser, Saul Bass (Mad Men opening titles), and Susan Kare (first Macintosh interface icons) have left an indelible mark on popular culture.
  • The ampersand symbol (&) was part of the last letter in the Latin alphabet before it evolved into its distinct character.
  • The talented graphic designers behind famous logos like FedEx, Amazon, Pepsi, Beats, and Toblerone have incorporated hidden shapes, symbols, and meanings into their iconic designs.
  • Legendary designer Paul Rand created the famous UPS, IBM, and ABC logos using the minimalist grid-based style that was his signature.

So those are some fascinating facts and trivia tidbits about the world of graphic design and its talented practitioners! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

Learning about Graphic Design

  • Graphic design encompasses much more than just logo design. It includes a diverse array of print and digital work.
  • Graphic design requires specialized technical and creative skills gained through training and practice. It is not a simple craft.
  • The focus is on strategic visual communication, not just aesthetics.
  • Trends come and go. Good graphic design balances timeless communication with contemporary styles.
  • While advanced tools help, you can begin your graphic design journey with affordable options.
  • Graphic design involves significant collaboration with stakeholders and cross-functional teams.
  • There are flexible options for full-time, freelance, and remote work.

The field of graphic design is multi-faceted and requires expertise across many areas. By debunking these common myths, it becomes evident that graphic design offers an exciting career path with plenty of diversity and opportunities for skilled visual communicators. Understanding the realities of this craft leads to more informed decisions and outcomes when hiring and working with graphic designers.


Graphic design has an undeserved reputation in some circles for being facile, trend-driven, and focused solely on aesthetics. However, the reality is that it is a complex craft rooted in strategically conveying visual stories and experiences. Skilled graphic designers blend art and science across a myriad of print and digital applications.

This exploration of common graphic design myths provides clarity on what this field truly entails. Graphic design offers immense value for communicating messages, shaping user experiences, building brands, and driving business goals.

Written By admin

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